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Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Information

Paris ISD is receiving federal stimulus dollars to help offset unexpected costs caused by the pandemic.  

The federal dollars are provided by the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund, which is distributed in three separate programs: ESSER I, ESSER II, and ESSER III.  Information on this page pertains to ESSER II and ESSER III funds, since ESSER I funds have already been allocated and spent.  Please note that allocations are subject to change.

ESSER provides resources for

  • Critical one-time investments
  • Time-limited programming to respond to the pandemic; and
  • Innovation that can redefine student learning, acceleration, and development

ESSER III- American Rescue Plan Act (ARP)


ESSER III Required Plans



Stakeholder Six-Month Survey Reviews

As required by ESSER III, every six months, Paris ISD must seek input from stakeholders across the district and community to review the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity Plan to make revisions if needed.  With this survey,  we are also seeking feedback on the current Use of Funds Plan.  Your feedback and input is incredibly valuable and will help determine if revisions are necessary for one or both plans.


Six-Month Review Completed:  June 30, 2023

  • Six-Month Review Completed:  July 18, 2022
  • Six-Month Review Completed:  January 9, 2023
  • Six-Month Completed:  June 30, 2023
  • Stakeholder Survey Results (January 2023)
  • Stakeholder Survey Results (Februrary 2022)
  • Stakeholder Survey Results (July 2022)
  • No Revisions Necessary (February)
  • Revisions Necessary (July 2022)- COVID protocols and quarantines updated to reflect TEA guidance and CDC recommendations.

Paris Independent School District Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan


This plan was developed in consultation with stakeholders after soliciting public comment through an electronic survey, small group meetings, and a Stakeholder Committee meeting.  Public Comment was held during the Paris ISD School Board Meeting on July 19, 2021.  Every six months, Paris ISD will review the plan in accordance with the latest guidance from the CDC, state, and local governments.  If revisions are needed to the plan, public input will be solicited and stakeholders will be meaningfully consulted.  The revised version of the plan will then be posted on the website.

General Information
This guidance document is being provided to inform Paris ISD parents, students, and staff of the guidelines and safety procedures that will be in effect for SY 22-23 to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and provide a safe return to school for all students. Please know that any rules or regulations established for the district are done under the guidance of the governor, the TEA, CDC, and local health care experts.  With the ever-changing dynamics of COVID-19, so are the protocols and measures to keep students and staff safe. Paris ISD may make adjustments to these plans as new regulations and mandates are added.


The Paris Independent School District will only hold on-campus instruction with safety and COVID 19 prevention measures.

*State requires students to attend a minimum of 90% of school days to earn promotion and  credits regardless if that is on-campus learning or via remote learning.

Social Emotional Needs

The Paris Independent School District is committed to the mental and physical health and well-being of its students and employees.  ESSER III funds have been allocated to provide Social Workers within the district to address the social-emotional needs of students, families, and employees.  Social workers will be available on campuses throughout the district to work closely with school counselors, provide additional counseling as specific needs arise, and assist students and families with school and community resources.  The Champions Mentor Program will also provide participating students with a mentor who will work with a small group of students and their families to provide academic assistance, enrichment, and social-emotional support.  Paris ISD will also host periodic social-emotional activities to be held after school with its employees and their families (i.e. Wildcat Wednesdays).


Per GA-38, school systems cannot require students or staff to wear a mask.  Paris ISD highly recommends that students, staff, and visitors monitor local conditions and follow CDC recommedations regarding the wearing of masks.


Protocol for Students and Staff

August 2, 2022

Executive Order GA-38 (GA-38), which has the effect of state law under Section 418.012 of the Texas Government Code, requires Texas public school systems to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic in compliance with the published guidance of the Texas Education Agency (TEA)  The following guidelines will be instituted for students and employees:  

Schools must exclude students/adults from attending school in person who have tested positive with COVID.  As noted, in the rule, exclusion shall continue until the conditions for re-entry are met:

  • Positive Test- WITH Symptoms- at least 5 days have passed since symptom onset (counted as day zero), fever-free for 24 hours, and other symptoms have improved
  • Positive Test- Asymptomatic- Must stay home until at least 5 days after the day tested (counted as day zero)

There will be no close contact quarantines.  If you are in close contact with someone who has tested positive, monitor your symptoms.  CDC recommends you wear a mask.  If you experience any symptoms, stay at home and test periodically.

Paris ISD will update COVID-19 numbers daily on our website.  All guidelines are subject to change.  


Students Who Are Close Contacts

There will be no close contact quarantines.  If you are in close contact with someone who has tested positive, monitor your symptoms.  CDC recommends you wear a mask.  If you experience any symptoms, stay at home and test periodically.

Please see the information below for guidelines on returning to school or work.


Staff Who Have COVID-19 or Who are Close Contacts
There will be no close contact quarantines.  If you are in close contact with someone who has tested positive, monitor your symptoms.  CDC recommends you wear a mask.  If you experience any symptoms, stay at home and test periodically.


Protocols for Disinfecting, Sanitizing, and Campus

Maintaining a safe and healthy environment is a top priority in our schools.  The district will continue the daily cleaning of all facilities, with special attention given to specific high-use areas such as door handles, knobs, and buttons.  Each campus will have hand sanitizer at each entrance. Visitors will need to sanitize their hands when they enter the building.  

All Paris ISD campuses will have more frequent deep cleaning. The janitorial staff will clean commonly touched surfaces throughout the day (doors, handles, desks, laptops  etc.) Paris ISD will electrostatically disinfect each campus daily.  Cleaning supplies will be provided for each classroom and common area to maximize room-to-room cleanliness.  Students will be trained to disinfect their surface working areas, shared objects, and high-use areas after use and during breaks in instruction.  Alcohol-based hand sanitizing stations will be located throughout the building in common areas.  

Visitor’s Protocol

isitors on Campus (Update:  August 9, 2022)

Paris ISD Elementary campuses will be taking proactive measures to ensure the safety of all students and staff. The following procedures will continue for the 2023 – 2024 school year.

  • Parents/guardians will be allowed to walk their children to their classrooms the first two days of school; however, for the remainder of the school year parents/guardians will not be allowed past the front office. This only applies to the beginning of the instructional day. Parents are still able to bring lunch to and or eat with their child, provided they sign in with the front office at each visit.
  • Parents/guardians will not be allowed in classrooms during instructional times. This includes birthdays. You may leave goodies for the class with the front office at each campus.

These changes are necessary for the safety of all students and staff. The district appreciates all families making the adjustments with them.

Isolation Protocol

If a student exhibits signs of COVID-19 while at school, the student will immediately be sent to the nurse and placed in isolation from other students until a parent or guardian can pick them up.  Students should be picked up within 30 minutes and no later than 1 hour from the time the campus has contacted the parent/guardian.  Other students will be removed from the classroom and taken to an alternate location on campus so that the classroom can be disinfected.  Teachers will monitor students and refer to a nurse if symptoms are present.

Campus Safety Supplies/PPE

Paris ISD will provide each school with the following safety supplies to support prevention and safety:

  • Posters and other graphics providing proper step-by-step instruction on safety protocols.
  • Disinfectant wipes, disinfectant spray, and hand sanitizer
  • Disposable masks will be available upon request
  • EPA backpack sprayers for campuses and buses
  • Additional protective equipment will be provided to school nurses for use in the nurse’s office.
  • Students and staff will be provided with a reusable face covering. Families will be responsible for daily cleaning and requested to supply a student face covering should the one provided by the school become unusable or lost.

Arrival, Dismissal, & Transition

  • Parents are asked to assist campus staff in the implementation of arrival and dismissal plans.
  • Each group of students will be directed to a designated location prior to the start of school.
  • Water fountains will be accessible only for water bottle refills. Students should bring water bottles to school.
  • Dismissal exit points will be established.
  • Campuses will implement staggered release procedures. Staggering the groups of walkers, car riders, bus riders, or grade level will help manage student movement in the building and decrease the risk of potential overcrowding.
  • In spaces that allow it, student desks will be placed at a minimum of six feet apart when possible. When not possible, students and teachers will wear a face covering.


The following measures will be implemented should conditions and local authorities deem necessary.

  • Hand sanitizer will be available when boarding the bus.
  • When boarding the bus, seating should start from the back seats, and then toward the front. When unloading, exiting should start from the front to the back.
  • Buses will be periodically cleaned/disinfected at the end of the day.
  • Transportation staff will be trained in proper cleaning/disinfecting procedures.
  • When possible, students in the same family should sit together on the bus.
  • In order to help with ventilation, and if weather permits, windows may be open.

Lunch and Breakfast Protocol


District and campus administration will monitor local conditions to determine modifications that may need to be made in breakfast and/or lunch locations on campuses.  These areas could include classrooms, the library, or other large areas within the school building.  Cafeteria and serving areas will be cleaned between uses.  Grab and Go Breakfast, Breakfast in the Classroom and Staggered Lunches are all options to assist with social distancing if necessary.  Cafeteria, serving, and eating areas will be cleaned between uses.


Extracurricular/Physical Education and Student Organization Activities Protocol

Extracurricular/Cocurricular activities, practices, and competitions will be conducted following safety protocols provided by PISD, UIL, and TEA.  All coaches, sponsors, and directors will be trained in COVID-19 safety protocols.  Hand sanitizer will be available in gym areas and equipment will be sanitized on a  regular basis.  Locker room use will be determined by TEA/UIL. If utilized, social distancing procedures will be followed.  Spectator attendance at games and contests may be limited based on TEA and UIL guidelines.  Elementary Physical Education is required. Campuses will limit the number of classes if possible attending P.E. and will practice social distancing.


COVID-19 Symptoms

In evaluating whether an individual has symptoms consistent with COVID-19, consider the  following questions:


Have they recently begun experiencing any of the following in a way that is not normal for them?


  • Feeling feverish or a measure temperature greater than or equal to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Sore Throat
  • Shaking or exaggerated shivering
  • Significant muscle pain or ache
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting or Abdominal pain


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the ESSER III- ARP funds?
In general, the purpose of ESSER is to award subgrants to local educational agencies (LEAs), such as Paris ISD, to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools.

Over what timeline may ESSER III funds be spent?
Funds may be used for allowable activities from March 13, 2020 (with approved pre-award) through September 30, 2023.  Districts will then have the standard 12-month carryover available through September 30, 2024.

What is Paris ISD’s ESSER III allocation?
Paris ISD’s entitlement is $10,665,313 to be spent over the course of the grant period of availability.  

What requirements must districts follow?
Of the total amount allocated to an LEA from the State’s ARP ESSER award, the LEA must reserve at least 20 percent of funds to address learning loss through the implementation of evidence-based interventions and ensure that those interventions respond to students’ social, emotional, and academic needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented student subgroups (each major racial and ethnic group, children from low-income families, children with disabilities, English learners, gender, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care).

Districts must engage in meaningful consultation with stakeholders —including students, families, district administrators (including special education administrators), teachers, principals, school staff, and other stakeholders/members of the public (in particular organizations that represent children with disabilities, English Language Learners, children experiencing homelessness, children in foster care, migrant students, children who are incarcerated, and other underserved students).  Stakeholders must have the opportunity to provide input on the ESSER III Use of Funds Plan.

District plans must be provided in an understandable, uniform format.  These plans must be available to parents by request (and available in a format and language assessable to that parent).  Plans are to be posted to the district’s website.

In addition to/along with the plan about the use of funds, districts must post a “Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan” within 30 days of the receipt of funds.  Before posting this plan to the website, districts must make the proposed plan available for public comment and consider those comments before finalizing the plan.  Existing plans may also be used to meet this requirement, and the plan must be reviewed every 6 months and revised for any necessary updates to ensure compliance with evolving requirements and recommendations from the state and federal level.


ESSER II- Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA)

In December 2020, CRRSA was signed into law.  With CRRSA, $54.3 billion was dedicated to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds.  The intent and purpose of CRRSA ESSER II is to provide funding to prevent, prepare for, or respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Funding is available March 13, 2020 through September 30, 2023.

Paris ISD applied to receive CRRSA funding, and it is expected that our allocation will be $4,748,881.  These funds are not additional to Paris ISD.  Instead, they are being used to offset the loss of average daily attendance (ADA) through the Foundation School Program under Texas school finance.